The hand that rocks the cradle, modern day explorers, and microbes!

“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”

What do you think of this famously quoted phrase, taken from an old poem by William Ross Wallace?

As parents that are raising our kids in this fast-paced world, do we realize that we have the capability of creating a generation of kids that can do GREAT things?

“One generation’s ceiling is another generation’s floor.”

What a challenge to not only teach them about the past but prepare them for the future!

We would be doing our kids a disservice if we insisted to continue teaching them from outdated books and outdated knowledge.

Growth mindset vs Fixed mindset.

They need to know how things have been, and also be OPEN to the idea that not everything in the past was true.

Think about any technology from the past. Or even the famous explorers in history. There were many naysayers that would tell stories about the possibility of falling off the edge of the world! Or of all the monsters in the sea. They warned and rejected those brave souls that would dare explore.

One of our favorite history books to read, Around the World in 100 Years tells about the common fears of exploring unknown lands and waters, as well as recounting the adventures of many of the famous explorers.

The world is always changing and there is a narrative that wants us all to be afraid of these changes.

But history has also taught us that the more we know, the more we don’t know.

And as science continues to learn about our health and nutrition, the more we are learning that we have been doing some things wrong. For years we have taught about killing GERMS and foods that were considered “healthy”.

Through my studies as a GAPS coach, combined with all of my years as a homeschooling mama and a children’s ministry teacher, I have felt INSPIRED to create a way to teach these concepts to these young minds.

Because sometimes it is harder to teach older adults! I know that I tend to be “stuck in my ways” When I have had YEARS of learning things a certain way. And my foundation for truth may be rocked with a new idea.

However, when I teach classes of children, I love to instill in them a sense of PURPOSE and a realization that there are so many WONDERS in this world to explore!

Unseen Worlds is one of our favorite books from the Belly Buddies list of recommended books.

And our bodies are SO COMPLEX! There is so much more to our anatomy than just memorizing names of bones, muscles, and organs.

The microbial world and all of the complexities of what is going on there is an exploding world of science right now.

Does this make you a little afraid? Or are you a cheerleader for all of those explorers?

Belly Buddies is a class I have been teaching at our local Homeschool Cooperative. These 8-12 year olds are learning all about MICROBES!!

Our bodies are an ecosystem and we cannot live without these microscopic friends!

This curriculum is designed to be literature-based and very fluid so you can tailor the time around the child’s interests.

I have created a simple activity guide with a list of recommended books that you can find at your library or add to your homeschooling science library.

There are 12 books and over 20 activities you can choose from to learn about the body and how these gut buddies are ESSENTIAL!

Gut health should be a part of ALL health curriculums, but unfortunately I have yet to find a curriculum that contains any amount of information about microbes and the benefits of probiotics.

Most books are outdated because much of this information is newer microbiology and science is still catching up!

There are simple activities recommended for all learning styles and the activities compliment the books. Some of the activities include:

  • compost in a jar

  • poop emoji origami

  • Petri dish experiment

The activity packet will save you hours of scouring the internet for gut health activities that are GAPS aligned, age-appropriate, and are kid-tested!

There is also a food journaling pdf and a Microbe Knock Out guide if you have a kiddo that is going through the GAPS protocol and you are looking for kid-friendly printables for their GAPS journey. Created by my son for his own GAPS journey!

Explore new horizons of health by learning about microbes with your kids! Check out Belly Buddies!


Circadian Rhythms & gut health


Homeschooling for Health: A Crucial Decision